北京Strahl Pitsch LLC蜡

时间:2024年03月03日 来源:

INCI: Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax

CAS #: 8015-86-9

EINECS #: 232-399-4

Country of origin: USA

Composition: Natural Carnauba Wax


Test Method Specification
Color Visual Yellow
Identification by IR Current NF Monograph Compares to USP RS
Melting Point Current NF Monograph 80 - 86 °C
Acid Value Current NF Monograph 2 - 7
Saponification Value Current NF Monograph 78 - 95
Residue on Ignition Current NF Monograph NMT 0.25 %
Residual Solvents Current NF Monograph Complies
美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75G.北京Strahl Pitsch LLC蜡

北京Strahl Pitsch LLC蜡,蜡


White Beeswax, NF

White Beeswax, NF

SP-422P is one of our flagship white beeswaxes and suitable for food, pharmaceutical, personal care, and nutraceutical industries along with hundreds of applications.

INCI: Cera Alba (Beeswax)
CAS #: 8012-89-3
EINECS #: 232-383-7
Country of origin: USA
Composition: Natural Beeswax


Strahl & Pitsch, LLC is the leading global refiner of Beeswax, producing White and Yellow Grades of Beeswax, certified to the current USP/NF Monograph, Food Chemicals Codex, and other compendium.

Benefits include:

  • High binding strength

  • Pronounced plasticity

  • Excellent emulsifiability

  • Emollient base

  • Gelling agent

  • Viscosity modifier

  • Plasticizer

  • Improves structure, oil retention, and pay-off for stick applications

Forms Available:

  • Granules

  • Slabs

  • Cakes

Beeswax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients. 药用级黄蜂蜡DR100PNF美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 石蜡Paraffin Wax, SP-173P, NF。

北京Strahl Pitsch LLC蜡,蜡

NCI: Cera Flava (Beeswax)

CAS #: 8012-89-3

EINECS #: 232-383-7

Country of origin: USA

Composition: Natural Beeswax


Test Method Specification
Color Visual Yellow
Melting Point Current NF Monograph 62 - 65 °C
Saponification Cloud Test Current NF Monograph NMT 65 °C
Fats or fatty acids, Japan wax, rosin, and soap Current NF Monograph Passes Test
Acid Value Current NF Monograph 17 - 24
Ester Value Current NF Monograph 72 - 79
Residual Solvents Current NF Monograph None Detected

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75.

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75G.

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75P.

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC.微晶蜡Microcrystalline Wax,  SP-18,NF.

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC.微晶蜡Microcrystalline Wax,  SP-19,NF.

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax,  SP-173P,NF.

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax,  SP-1275P,NF.

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax,  SP-173,NF.

美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax,  SP-1275,NF.

上海临辰医药科技有限公司 代理销售药用蜡:药用巴西棕榈蜡,白蜂蜡,黄蜂蜡,小烛树蜡,微晶蜡,石蜡, 美国史东毕斯公司STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 黄蜂蜡Yellow Beeswax, SP-6G,NF。

北京Strahl Pitsch LLC蜡,蜡

INCI: Cera Alba (Beeswax)

CAS #: 8012-89-3

EINECS #: 232-383-7

Country of origin: USA

Composition: Natural Beeswax


Test Method Specification
Color Visual White
Melting Point Current NF Monograph 62 - 65 °C
Saponification Cloud Test Current NF Monograph NMT 65 °C
Fats or Fatty Acids, Japan Wax, Rosin, and Soap Current NF Monograph Passes Test
Acid Value Current NF Monograph 17 - 24
Ester Value Current NF Monograph 72 - 79
Residual Solvents Current NF Monograph None Detected
美国史东毕斯公司, 小烛树蜡Candelilla Wax, SP-75G.史东毕斯小烛树蜡SP75

美国史东毕斯公司, 石蜡Paraffin Wax,SP-1275, NF。北京Strahl Pitsch LLC蜡


白蜂蜡 White Beeswax, NF质量标准Specifications







熔点Melting Point

Current NF Monograph

62 - 65 °C

皂化反应Saponification Cloud Test

Current NF Monograph

NMT 65 °C


Fats or Fatty Acids, Japan Wax, Rosin, and Soap

Current NF Monograph

Passes Test

酸值Acid Value

Current NF Monograph

17 - 24

皂化值Ester Value

Current NF Monograph

72 - 79

残留溶剂Residual Solvents

Current NF Monograph

None Detected 北京Strahl Pitsch LLC蜡

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